Seasonal Reiki Ceremony

sign me up!

A 60 min group Reiki session to relax deeply and align with the season in community!

I'm already down for this!

✨ What if you could rest so deeply that you:

  • Approach life’s inconveniences with a sense of peace and calm
  • Sleep through the night and wake up excited to prioritize your morning routine
  • Feel the weight of life’s stresses lift enough to FINALLY release the tension from your shoulders

Join us in community to celebrate the season and align your mind, body, and energy with the season ahead.

Plus, who knows, you could meet your new spiritual BFF along the way. That’d be pretty cool, right?




Guided Meditation


Distance Reiki

As you drift deeply into relaxation, those pesky thought patterns we uncovered earlier are cleared and released.

Picture yourself shedding emotional baggage, melting away stress, & embracing a newfound sense of inner calm.

Winter's energy asks us to release what’s holding us back, much like the trees drop their leaves. Balance is key to well-being.

Through guided journal prompts, you’ll release negative thought patterns, and energetic clutter from your life.

Can't join us live? No problemo!

No need to travel or worry about time constraints! With distance Reiki, you can experience deep relaxation, profound rest, and quiet your overactive mind from the cozy oasis of your own space. Simply relax, breathe, and let our healing energy flow directly to you, regardless of your location.

When you are in harmony with nature, you can experience harmony within

Our physical bodies, after all, mirror what’s happening outside of us in nature. 

Here’s how we’ll get there together:

This session is just as powerful when done via the video replay (which you’ll have access to for 30 days — do the session over and over again if you want!)

BTW - This isn't my first rodeo!

I’ve helped THOUSANDS of people experience deep relaxation and alignment through this EXACT PROCESS. Will you be next?

Join the seasonal ceremonies!

Mark off your calendar now!

spring equinox

Grab your seat today!

fall equinox

summer solstice

Winter solstice

Book all four!

✨ When you align with the energy of Spring you can:

  • Feel reinvigorated and motivated to achieve your goals and desires
  • Balance the business of summer with rest so you don’t burn out
  • Connect with JOY! Uplift your spirit, and cultivate a positive mindset

March 19 – 4pm EST

grab your spot

spring equinox

✨ When you align with the energy of Summer you can:

  • Rest & recharge your energy in mind, body, and spirit⁠
  • Feel more motivated to declutter your home and make space for fresh energy
  • Begin planting the seeds and taking ACTION towards your new year goals!

June 20 – 2pm EST

grab your spot

Summer solstice

✨ When you align with the energy of Fall you can:

  • Let go of the habitual negative thoughts preventing you from achieving your goals and desires
  • Feel more centered and rooted, to help you navigate the stress of life
  • Connect with Gratitude! Uplift your spirit, and cultivate a positive mindset⁠

september 22 – 1pm est

grab your spot

Fall equinox

✨ When you align with the energy of Winter you can:

  • Rest & recharge your energy in mind, body, and spirit⁠
  • Feel more centered and rooted, to help you navigate the stressful holiday traffic⁠
  • Experience deep reflection which makes space for your 2026 goals!⁠

december 19 – 1pm est

grab your spot

winter solstice


Have a question that isn't answered here? Drop me an email with your questions or send me a DM on Instagram @m0dizzl3.

What if I can't join live?

This session is just as powerful when done via the video replay (which you’ll have access to for 30 days— do the session over and over again if you want!)

How does Reiki work over the internet?

Reiki is a universal energy, time and space do not make a difference to it.

Consider the last time you watched a video online that made you laugh out loud… That video was filmed prior to you watching it, some distance away from your physical body. And yet it still activated an emotional and physiological response in your body. 

Distance Reiki works in the same way! 

Do I have to keep my camera on for the live session?

Only if you want to! Do whatever honors your needs and makes you feel comfy. You always have the option to go camera on or off, you can participate in the chat or stay quiet. You’re in the driver’s seat here!

What if I'm bad at meditation?

Okay first of all, there’s no such thing as being “bad at meditation” because there’s no way to be “good at meditation.” It’s a practice, after all! 

But I know what you mean: you struggle to stay focused, your brain is thinking about your grocery list, the minute to sit down you get fidgety— sound familiar?

If so, no worries. While I can’t guarantee your cute lil brain will stay focused for all 60 minutes we have together, what I CAN tell you is that the meditation you’ll be guided through is specifically designed to work for squiggly brains. Over and over again I am told by my clients and students who have trouble focusing that this is the first meditation that actually works for them.

But even if your brain starts to wander, know that you’ll still receive all the benefits of Reiki even if your brain starts thinking about reorganizing your shoe collection.

How long do I get access to the replay?

30 days!

Is this session introvert friendly?

YES! You don’t NEED to participate in the chat at all and can have your camera off the entire time. You are 100% in control of your adventure here— you can even skip the live session and watch the replay in solitude if you prefer!

What if I have a question that isn't answered here?

Drop me an email or send me a DM on instagram!