21 Days of Self-Guided Reiki

You’ve already been attuned to Reiki, now it’s time to FINALLY use it to transform your relationship to stress, develop your intuition, and improve your physical & mental health.

21 Days of Guided Self-Reiki allows you to go from “I’ll practice Reiki when I find the time” to having a sustainable self-Reiki habit, that you'll ACTUALLY use to support your life, in less than 10 minutes a day.

get started!

Remember the excitement you felt at the end of Reiki Training?

Riding the high of your attunement, you were eager to start using Reiki to transform your physical, emotional, and energetic health. You told yourself you would commit time each day to your practice...

...and then
life happened. You struggled to find 30-60 mins a day to practice what you learned in training. But here’s what you might not have learned:

Your Reiki practice does not have to be a big elaborate ritual. In fact, you can receive all the benefits Reiki has to offer in less than 10 minutes a day. Yep, it's true! You only need a few minutes to...

Feel Calmer and More Energized

Connect with Your Intuition

Manage Anxiety

Relieve Physical Pain

You wake up with a migraine and the last thing you want to do is a 45 minute Reiki session on yourself— I get it! When you practice Reiki in 5-10 minute sprints, you’re more likely to reach for your practice when you REALLY need it. Nip that headache in the bud and move onto the rest of your day!

No longer at the mercy of how well you slept the night before, your Reiki practice helps you balance your energy throughout the day. You no longer have to rely on a 5th cup of coffee for the afternoons when your brain is running on fumes and your body is begging you to drink a glass of water.

Waffling on making a tough decision? Questioning how to connect to your life’s purpose? Wondering what you should eat for lunch? The answers are already within you, my friend! A consistent Reiki practice is the key to unlocking your intuition so you can access and TRUST your inner wisdom.

A consistent self-Reiki practice allows you to connect with the human being beneath your anxious thoughts. When your brain slips into it’s usual mode of jumping to the worst case scenario, Reiki allows you to ask “wait is that actually true? or would I rather believe something else?”

The truth is, most people who try and practice Reiki for 30+ mins a day often don't experience benefits that inspired them to get attuned in the first place!

That means implementing your Reiki practice into your life every single day. Most people struggle to build a sustainable and consistent Reiki HABIT (which is the key to receiving all those amazing benefits above!)

Unless you're a superhuman who has endless amounts of time, motivation, and energy – 30 minutes a day is a big ask and you're probably struggling to find time each day to practice Reiki for yourself!

This isn’t your fault! You were likely only taught how to do a “full” self-Reiki practice in your training, and with over a dozen hand positions, of course this is going to take a good chunk of time!

A full Reiki practice is great — but most of us don’t have 30+ minutes we can devote to Reiki every day.

Maybe you have a job, a business, or a family that needs your time and attention.

All of a sudden, your life gets busy and your Reiki practice drops off your calendar.

The excitement you felt at the end of Reiki Training naturally dissolves, and you lose the motivation to keep practicing.

You tell yourself “I’ll set aside time for Reiki” but you never do.

Now all of a sudden your Reiki practice has become one more thing you HAVE to do, one more line on your to do list, one more thing in the back of your mind that’s adding to your stress.

Reiki doesn't work unless you USE IT!

Here's why this is a huge problem...

When your practice is constantly shifted to the next day’s to-do list, you can start to develop shame around not being able to fit your practice into your day. It becomes this nagging voice in your head that says: “Ugh I know I should be practicing. I know Reiki can help, but I just can’t seem to find time for it.”

The thing is, 30 minutes feels like a lot when you’re starting from 0 minutes.

When you believe that the “only way to do Reiki right” is a 30+ minute ritual, what happens in the moments where shit hits the fan?

  • When your boss drops a huge project on your already overflowing plate with a tight deadline
  • When you feel your face get hot in the midst of a difficult conversation with your boundary-pushing friend
  • When you’re tossing and turning all night because you ordered a decaf latte at 3pm that ended up being full-caf
  • When you’re smack dab in the middle of rearranging your living room and you pull a muscle in your back

Finding relief in THESE MOMENTS is why you were called to Reiki in the first place. It's the time when life really tests your patience that Reiki REALLY comes in handy, and in those moments you are not going to drop everything and do a 30+ minute Reiki practice.

Look, a nice long Reiki ritual is great from time to time. But...

You didn’t go through Reiki Training to stress yourself out— your goal was to do the opposite of that!

If you want to use Reiki to manage your pain, stress, and anxiety in your REAL LIFE — you need to integrate Reiki into your daily routine.

Reiki doesn’t work unless you use it. So why not make it easy to reach for Reiki every day?

Here’s how habits work— the bigger the habit is, the harder it is to start. The easier the habit is, the less resistance you will experience when attempting to maintain it.

When it comes to Reiki, you want it to reduce that resistance. And that starts by lowering the bar— from 30 minutes a day to 5 minutes a day.

Adding in a guided self-Reiki practice makes it easier to reign in your focus during your practice. This allows you to easily commit to Reiki every day

The more often you practice Reiki, the more you will see a shift in your everyday life.

🙌 Assuming you have to be “good” at Reiki to see results:

You are already good at Reiki, my friend. There’s no way to do Reiki wrong. Your experience with Reiki is unique to YOU and the more often you practice, the more you will be able to stay in the energy of curiosity, the more you will develop a deeper relationship to Reiki’s energy.

🙌 Thinking that a successful Reiki Practice has to take a long time:

The results of your Reiki practice are cumulative, meaning the more often you practice the more you’ll see a change in your mood, physical pain, and mental health. When you lower the expectation from 30 minutes a day to 5 minutes a day, you’re more likely to find the time to commit to Reiki each day and that means you are able to experience these benefits long term!

4 Reasons Why People Don't Stick with Reiki After Training

🙌 You give up because you don’t feel anything when you try to do Reiki for yourself:

A lot of times we can get caught up in expectations with our practice: "I should be feeling heat, tingling, etc." But in reality, Reiki often shows up in more subtle ways. Maybe it’s feeling more at ease by the end of a practice, or having more space in your mind, less tension in your shoulders, etc. Sure, feeling heat and tingles is FUN, but those more subtle shifts are more aligned with your intention for practicing Reiki: to relieve stress, quiet your anxiety, connect with your intuition, or manage physical pain.

🙌 Not knowing how to implement everything you learned in training:

Reiki Training often feels like drinking from a fire hose - there's a lot to remember and even more you'll inevitably forget. But the good news is, that as long as you’ve been through a Reiki attunement, you have this energy flowing through you and can start wherever you are. It doesn’t matter how long it’s been since your training or since you last practiced - you can start again TODAY and build that connection to Reiki!

💡 The truth is... 5 minutes of Reiki a day is more effective than 30+ minutes a day 💡

and that's exactly why I created...

21 do-it-
with-me Self-Reiki videos

✨ Explore 21 different ways to incorporate Reiki into your daily life
✨ Establish a deep connection to Reiki while expanding your intuition
✨ Become more resilient to stress (so the next time you spill your coffee it's less likely to send you into a full-blown meltdown)
✨ Integrate Reiki into your life so you ACTUALLY reach for it when you need quick relief of pain, stress, or anxiety

As a Reiki Master Teacher, I’ve taken everything I learned in 6+ years of my own Reiki practice, and from the 100+ graduates of my Reiki Training program, to build the best course to help those who are attuned to Reiki go from “I’ll do Reiki when I find the time” to ACTUALLY using Reiki in their daily lives to manage pain, stress, and anxiety.

It's unlike any other course out there!

get started now!

Self-Reiki Journal

✨ To help you stay accountable to your practice over the next 21 days
✨ Establish your intention to anchor you when your motivation inevitably starts to wane
✨ Track your progress to see both the short and long term benefits of your Reiki practice (no matter how subtle they may feel in the moment!)

$222 or 2 × $111

When you join, you'll instantly get access to:

21 Days Self-Guided Reiki

Where Reiki training ends, this course begins:

Instead of trying to fit your schedule around your Reiki practice, your practice will fit into your already full schedule! You won’t need to rearrange your life to finish this course. With 21 do-it-with-me videos each under 10 minutes, you’ll be able to practice Reiki daily no matter how busy and chaotic your life feels.

🥳 You will build a sustainable self-Reiki habit in less than
10 minutes a day

There’s not right or wrong way to do Reiki but no matter how many times you read that, you’re likely still rolling your eyes! With practices specifically guided to help you release judgement, expectations, and doubts you’ll develop a curious approach to your Reiki practice that will help you see this truth. Bonus, the curiosity you develop through Reiki will trickle out into your ENTIRE life, helping you connect with and trust your intuition more deeply.

🥳 Your intuition becomes your teacher

In my experience, when your practice is rigid, you’re less likely to enjoy the journey. While some of the videos in this course lean towards more "serious" intentions (like relieving anxiety, releasing worry, and tapping into gratitude), others have a more lighthearted theme. We’ll explore how to use Reiki to access creativity through journaling, infuse your jewelry with intention, and finally stop killing your houseplants.

🥳 You'll see how FUN it is to use Reiki in your daily routine

If you’re anything like me, doing the same thing everyday feels like a snoozefest. That’s why every self-Reiki practice included is unique in its intention and guidance. Meaning, if you don’t resonate with one style— you don’t have to do it 20 more times! You’ll find new ways to work with Reiki through visualization, breathwork, movement, and even learn to use Reiki on some common household items!

🥳 You'll explore Reiki in new and exciting ways

But don't take my word for it...

"Molly is a natural healer, always giving wonderful information with such clarity."

"I wish I could bottle up your teachings and carry them with me throughout my day – oh wait, now I CAN! "

"Molly always gives the most thoughtful, useful advice, and it's never anything I've heard before! "

As a Reiki Master Teacher, I’ve taken everything I learned in 6+ years of my own Reiki practice, and from the 100+ graduates of my Reiki Training program, to build the best course to help those who are attuned to Reiki go from “I’ll do Reiki when I find the time” to ACTUALLY using Reiki in their daily lives to manage pain, stress, and anxiety.

It's unlike any other course out there!

get started now!

$222 or 2 × $111

21 Days Self-Guided Reiki


Have a question that isn't answered here? Drop me an email with your questions or send me a DM on Instagram @m0dizzl3.

How much time do I need to commit each day?

Less than 10 minutes! Most of the videos are between 5-7 minutes so you can fit this course into your busiest, most chaotic days. (Let's face it-- those days are when you'll need Reiki the MOST!)

What level of Reiki and lineage does this work for?

This is an all levels course-- as long as you have been attuned to Reiki at any level you will be able to participate in this course. 

My background is in the traditional Usui lineage so that influences the teachings offered however the practices themselves can be used by any lineage of Reiki!

I haven’t practiced Reiki since my training, will this still work for me?

Heck yeah!  The modules start with the basics of Self-Reiki before moving on to more advance practices. It's designed to get you "back on the horse" if you haven't practiced Reiki in a while.

I have ADHD and struggle to stay focused, will this still work for me?

Hey, me too! As a fellow neurodivergent/squiggly-brained individual I know how frustrating it can be to try and herd cats in your brain all day. 

These practices are guided to fit a variety of brains and learning styles, with a focus on intention and curiosity you will find yourself becoming more compassion towards your brain on the days where focus is a challenge.

I already have a daily Reiki practice, how will this help me?

Love that for you! These are still a great addition to your daily Reiki routine. Think of it like meditation-- sometimes it's nice to be guided through a practice. 

This course will deepen your relationship to Reiki and go beyond the basics, I encourage you to look over the list of topics in the sneak peek section and see if they resonate!

How long do I have to finish the course?

You get lifetime access so you can repeat the course as often as you'd like and finish it on your own timeline!