Reprogram your relationship with rest in six weeks

The Reiki Rest Reset

Yes, I need rest!



If you’re burnt out, welcome to the club no one wants to be in: Booked up and stressed out, with zero time to kick back and relax. Because you’ve got things to do, like work and parenting. Or your squiggly brain just won’t shut the f*©k up. 

And it’s not your fault if you can’t.

We all need rest, including you.

Whatever stops you from resting, know this: You need to rest.

Hustle culture doesn’t want us to rest

Here’s the thing: Hustle culture doesn’t want us to rest. Because productivity is money. So, the Jeff Bezoses of the world tell us to work harder and longer, all while our bodies break down and our minds burn out. Because—get this—24/7 productivity actually isn’t sustainable (ahem, or healthy).

The truth is: If you don’t learn how to take a break, your body will take one for you. And it won’t be convenient. But the good news is you can learn how to take breaks that work for you, whether you’re busy with work, family, health, all of the above—

You can reprogram your relationship to rest.

You actually *don’t* have to be stressed all the time

You feel like butter, melting into itself. Thoughts of your to-do list come and go without triggering a spasm in your chest because you’re guided back to thoughts of reassurance. You’re guided back to relaxation.

You’ve officially reprogrammed your relationship with rest. It’s no longer another task on your to-do list, it’s a pause from your to-do list. A reset. A must-have in your day or week because now you know slowing down for a hot minute can actually make you more productive, healthier and happier.

Lucky you, this vision can be your reality.

Envision it: In just 30 minutes, your mind starts to quiet, and your body starts to soften.

What's Included?

Every week includes:

✨ An objection to rest and mantras to reframe it
✨ A guided Yoga Nidra meditation to deepen relaxation
✨ An energetic clearing with Reiki to regulate your nervous system
✨ An intention setting ritual to plant rest in your subconscious
✨ A grounding ritual to take you back into your day


A combination of Reiki and Yoga Nidra, designed to regulate your nervous system, bring you into a deep state of rest, and reprogram your relationship with rest — for good.

The best part is: You don’t have to do anything. Just press play and listen to my voice for 30 minutes every week.

Yes, I need rest!

They're raving:

“I can’t even explain to you how much this changed my life.”

— Danielle

“So thankful for the perspective you share and the work you do.”

— Carly

“I’m taking care of future me for the first time ever.”

– MJ


If you’re here, it’s because you’re Reiki curious. You feel like it could be helpful in your life, but you don’t want to invest hundreds of dollars in Reiki training or one-on-one sessions with a Reiki Master to find out.

I get it. That’s literally why The Rest Reset exists: To give you access to Reiki at a fraction of the cost. My one-on-one sessions are $247 each—The Reiki Reset is six sessions for just $197, saving you 87% on one-on-one sessions.

Start resting now!

Better yet, you can listen to them again and again… and again.

87% cheaper than
one-on-one sessions

87% cheaper than one-on-one

Maybe you’ve tried guided meditations or visualizations before, but your body won’t sit still (or your brain won’t shut up) long enough to get anything out of it. Or maybe you just don’t have time to add something else to your day because your people (and those 1,497 tasks on your to-do list) need you.

I get it. I’m a squiggly-brained entrepreneur who gets what it’s like to have all the tasks and none of the time. I literally made The Rest Reset for folks like us. I made it easy. So, all you have to do is press play and listen to my voice whenever, however you can. It doesn’t have to be perfect to be restful.

You’ve tried the guided meditation thing before

LEMME guess

And I know what it’s like for your body and mind to be tensed up and stressed out. I have ADHD, OCD and anxiety—all while running a successful business. Long story short: I’m busy, too. But I’ve learned that rest is essential to my productivity, health and happiness. And it’s essential to yours, too.

I’ve been practicing Reiki for seven years and yoga for ten. I have 500+ training hours and have supported hundreds of clients in transforming their own lives through Reiki. 

Meet your Reiki Master Teacher

The Rest Reset is your shortcut to Reiki—no training or reliance on a Reiki Master required.

Just you, my voice, and rest.

Hi, I’m Molly!

Are you ready to rest?

✅ Get out of your own way, and stop making excuses for not resting

✅ Prioritize your needs as a human being, not a human doing

✅ Reconnect with your capacity to rest—in a way that works for you

✅ Learn how to work with your busy body or mind, not against it

✅ Shift out of giving and go-go-going into receiving and slooowing

✅ Avoid compassion fatigue and burnout by pouring from an overflowing cup

Are you ready to...

Reprogram your relationship with rest in six weeks.

yes, I need rest!


Have a question that isn't answered here? Drop me an email with your questions or send me a DM on Instagram @m0dizzl3.

Is there proof that Reiki works?

Yes, Reiki is backed by SCIENCE! 🧑‍🔬

From the Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine:

"The available English-language literature of Reiki was reviewed, specifically for peer-reviewed clinical studies with more than 20 participants in the Reiki treatment arm, controlling for a placebo effect. Of the 13 suitable studies, 8 demonstrated Reiki being more effective than placebo, 4 found no difference but had questionable statistical resolving power, and only one provided clear evidence for not providing benefit. Viewed collectively, these studies provide reasonably strong support for Reiki being more effective than placebo. From the information currently available, Reiki is a safe and gentle “complementary” therapy that activates the parasympathetic nervous system to heal body and mind. It has potential for broader use in management of chronic health conditions, and possibly in postoperative recovery."

View the full study here

🐀 Studies have even proven that Reiki is effective on RATS! 🐀

Two of the studies referenced above looked at the effect of Reiki on rats compared to "sham Reiki" which is a placebo version of Reiki where one goes through the hand motions without proper trainings or attunement.

It was found that Reiki, but not sham Reiki, significantly reduced both the average resting heart rate and the rise in heart rate produced by exposure of rats to loud noise.

Physiological measurements indicate that Reiki is more effective than placebo in reducing resting heart rate, increasing heart rate variability, and reducing blood pressure.

These results indicate that Reiki is more effective than placebo in activating the parasympathetic nervous system AKA your ability to rest, relax, and heal!

Here’s a few more studies that prove Reiki works:

How does Reiki work over the internet?

Reiki is a universal energy, time and space do not make a difference to it.

Consider the last time you watched a video online that made you laugh out loud… That video was filmed prior to you watching it, some distance away from your physical body. And yet it still activated an emotional and physiological response in your body. 

Distance Reiki works in the same way! 

Can anyone benefit from Reiki?

YES! Reiki energy is universal-- which means it is already flowing within you. There is no way to do Reiki "wrong" and no possible chance of "screwing it up."

For this course, no prior experience working with energy is necessary. You will be guided the entire time, all you need to do is press play.

Do I need to devote a lot of time for Reiki to work?