Healing Beyond Time & Space

The only Reiki 2 training designed to accelerate your emotional healing, supercharge your connection to Reiki, and transform you into a dependable, trauma informed practitioner.

Reiki 2 offers you the gifts of

Reiki 2 

heck yeah, I'm in!


Practitioner Level Certification


Deeper Connection to Reiki

  • Offer professional Reiki sessions with integrity by learning the foundations of trauma-informed care
  • Breakthrough your nerves by practicing distance Reiki with your fellow students & receiving individualized feedback and support
  • Receive the tools and resources to book your first client and wow them!
  • Effortlessly add more intention to your daily routine by embodying 3 Reiki symbols used to amplify energy, calm the mind, and heal deep rooted beliefs
  • Make peace with your past by sending Reiki to situations that have already happened
  • Awaken your intuitive gifts and feel more centered with quick & powerful mini-Reiki practices
  • Indulge in distance Reiki for yourself for the moments when hands-on feels inconvenient
  • Keep the energy of your home and workplace clear of negativity by using Reiki for space cleansing
  • Practice sending Reiki to a future version of you for support, healing, and manifestation.

Reiki 1 is eye opening, curiosity inducing, and often mind blowing.

Reiki 2 is when the real work begins— this is when you fully embrace this path, renewing your commitment to self-healing in the service of others. 

The attunement in level 2 is an intuition expander: you’re more likely to notice what is in alignment with your soul’s purpose so that you can make choices that lead you down that path!

Level 2 is where you begin to live Reiki — you’ll be able to use this healing energy to support your manifestations, treat yourself and others at a distance, cleanse the energy of your space, get paid to offer Reiki sessions to the public, and heal yourself on a deeper level by sending Reiki to clear wounds of the past, present, and future.

✨ It's time to go deeper

You dipped your toes into this profound and powerful practice with Reiki 1, now it’s time to dive in head first— all the benefits you felt in Reiki 1 become amplified in level 2.

This training offers an unmatched level of support for your Reiki journey

Most new Reiki practitioners are not confident offering sessions publicly because they don’t receive an adequate level of support in their training program and therefore end up inconsistently using the skills they learned in training.

New practitioners are left to fend for themselves, they try to google for support, if they’re lucky they may have a Reiki practitioner friend to lean on but that person may not have the answers, either.

The problem is that a lack of support and depth in education leads to a lack of confidence, which causes Reiki practitioners to either abandon their own practice or feel like an imposter when they go to offer sessions publicly.

What you need is a thorough training to confidently offer trauma informed Reiki sessions and an abundance of support as you develop your own Reiki practice.

That’s exactly what we offer in Reiki 2: Healing Beyond Space & Time

This is the only Reiki 2 training designed to accelerate your emotional healing, supercharge your connection to Reiki, and transform you into a dependable, trauma informed Reiki practitioner.

You will be provided with a remarkable level of support before, during, and after your training experience through:

  • live training sessions with 1 year access to replays with ample time to practice & integrate the skills learned in class
  • group coaching & opportunities to receive support even if your schedule doesn’t allow you to join us live
  • paired partner practice session to boost your confidence in your distance Reiki skills
  • support from our exclusive community
  • quick but powerful mini-Reiki practices to awaken your intuitive gifts and feel more centered throughout the day
  • an extensive and thoroughly researched manual complete with step-by-step instructions for every practice we go over in class together
  • additional guided audio practices and video lessons to suit all learning styles & help you implement the tools learned in class

Over the course of 6 weeks you receive a roadmap to transform your own life through Reiki and will be guided step-by-step through the process of offering Reiki as a professional service.

Not to mention, my real-world background of working with trauma survivors for 9 years means you learn fool-proof skills to make your Reiki sessions trauma informed, so you’ll feel confident when you work with your first client!

Your connection to Reiki is about to become an even more powerful tool to support your growth and healing

And I’m here to support YOU as you grow that connection.

Becoming a Reiki practitioner starts with your own healing experience

Every tool, skill, and practice you will learn in Reiki 2: Healing Beyond Space & Time is designed to support YOU and your healing journey first — that way, if you choose to one day offer Reiki sessions publicly, you’ll be able to do so from an authentic, heart-centered place.

In additional to your own healing benefits, Reiki 2 certifies you to get paid to offer professional, trauma-informed Reiki sessions to the public.

By the end of this training you can have:

The knowledge and ability to channel Reiki to help clear past emotional wounds, amplify future manifestations, cleanse the energy of a space, and enjoy hands-free healing anytime you need it.

Certification to provide trauma-informed Reiki treatments to others in exchange for pay (if you wish).

An energetic awakening of your soul to tap into the deep and intuitive wisdom that's already within you.

Reiki 2 graduates rave about the training:

In this training you will uncover this healing energy for yourself so you can have agency over your health and wellness journey.

Reiki 2

The Science of Self-Healing

  • Indulge in distance Reiki for yourself for the moments when hands-on feels inconvenient
  • Practice sending distance Reiki to someone else to support their healing and relaxation
  • Mini-Reiki Practice in clearing & shielding your energy field to protect your energy from other people and places while supporting emotional resilience
  • Includes an additional audio meditation for a guided self-Reiki distance practice
module 3
  • Experience the energetic and emotional effects of 3 Reiki symbols in your own body
  • Effortlessly add more intention to your daily routine by embodying 3 Reiki symbols used to amplify energy, calm the mind, and heal deep rooted beliefs
  • Mini-Reiki Practice in centering to establish a clear channel for Reiki to flow more strongly and activate your intuitive gifts
  • Includes 3 additional audio meditations to help you integrate each of the Reiki symbols into your daily routine

Here's how you'll get there:

module 2

Reiki Symbols for Intention, Healing, and Energy Amplification

Distance Reiki for Self & Others

  • Deep dive into how distance healing works, how Reiki symbols heal, and experience the mysterious ways that symbols affect our subconscious mind in real time. 
  • Mini-Reiki Practice in grounding to create a foundation of energetic support & improve emotional stability
module 1

The Science of Distance Healing & Symbols

module 4

Trauma Informed Care

  • Learn the foundations of trauma-informed care which will instantly improve your ability to hold space for others— in Reiki and in all areas of life
  • Feel confident in your ability to provide a world-class Reiki session that acknowledges the prevalence and impact of trauma and reduces the potential for retraumatization by following The B.E.S.T. Method for trauma-informed Reiki sessions
  • Mini-Reiki Practice in scanning to smooth out imbalances in your aura/energy field and establish a stronger intuitive connection to your hands when doing Reiki
  • Includes an additional video lesson to visually see step-by-step how to offer in-person Reiki sessions
module 6
  • Receive the tools and resources to book your first client and wow them!
  • Demystify the entire process of offering professional Reiki sessions both in person and at a distance: from scheduling, to consultation, intake, and rebooking
  • Discuss the legalities of Reiki and clarify what you actually NEED (and DON’T need) to get started booking clients!

The Business
of Reiki & Reiki Treatments for Others

  • Make peace with your past by sending Reiki to situations that have already happened
  • Keep the energy of your home and workplace clear of negativity by using Reiki for space cleansing
  • Practice sending Reiki to a future version of you for support, healing, and manifestation
  • Includes an additional audio meditation for guided Reiki for situations and video lesson on room clearing for more visual learners

Reiki for
Situations, Manifestation, and Space Clearing

Module 5
  • Breakthrough your nerves by practicing distance Reiki with a fellow student during the paired partner sessions 
  • Use the group coaching call to ask questions and get individualized support from Molly
  • You will receive the same level of support even if you are not able to join us live!

Group Coaching Call

Module 7

What's Included 

  • 6 Live online classes with ample time to practice (Class Sessions can be joined live on Tuesdays 10am-12pm EST or via replay)
  • 1 group coaching call for feedback and individual support
  • Reiki 2 attunement — attunements are done individually during a small group session with space for additional feedback/Q&A — Your attunement MUST be attended live, there will be several time slots to choose from.
  • 40+ page E-manual so you can take in the info without needing to take a bunch of notes during the training
  • 1 Paired Partner session to practice offering distance Reiki within the supportive container of this training. (Paired Partner Practicum assignment is due by the deadline to qualify for certification.)
  • Reiki level 2 Certification to show the world that you're certified to provide Reiki Treatments to others. You have the option to have a printed copy mailed to you at no additional cost! (Completion of practicum and attunement is required for certification, see FAQs for more info)
  • Audio meditations and video modules for you to reference in your practice during and after training
  • Ongoing support from Molly via email and our exclusive graduate community, One Breath Together, to answer your questions and receive guidance after the training wraps. 

I am committed to helping you thrive after the training wraps. When you train with me you receive:


Have a question that isn't answered here? Drop me an email with your questions.

How will I know if I'm ready for Reiki 2?

There is no specific time you need to wait between levels 1 and 2. Here are some points to consider:

  • Have I practiced the self-Reiki treatments I learned in level 1 on a regular basis? (This could mean daily if you finished level 1 recently, or weekly at a minimum if it’s been some time since level 1)
  • Do I feel confident in my ability to allow Reiki to flow in my self practice?
  • Can I do the hand positions without referencing my manual?
  • Do I feel called to continue learning Reiki NOW?

Trust yourself to decide when you are ready and feel called to move on to this next level. 

What if I can't make the live session?

If you cannot make the training sessions live, you can watch the replays! The only session you are required to attend live is your small group attunement. Once you are registered you will be able select your attunement date/time from the list of available options. 

We take into consideration all time zones when scheduling attunement groups, however if you cannot find a time that works for you out of the available options please email hello@mollydonlan.com and we will accomodate for you!

How do I receive support if I can't join the live calls?

My promise to you is that you will receive the same level of support from me whether you join us live or catch the replays. Here’s how I make that happen:

  • If you have questions when watching the replays, you can email me directly or post in the community to receive a prompt answer from me
  • If you are struggling with any of the practices, you can reach out and I will give you clarity or additional guidance
  • If you cannot make the group coaching call, you can submit any questions or things you are struggling with before the call and I will answer them live for the replay
  • The attunement groups are intentionally kept small so I can offer you individualized support and answer questions with you live at a time that works for your schedule
  • You already know from Reiki 1, but I’ll reemphasize here that I am in your back pocket for life. If you encounter questions or need support after the training wraps— reach out!

Here’s the catch though— I can only support you if you reach out and tell me what you need. Don’t be shy— I’m here to help!!

Will this prepare me to start a Reiki business?

Yes! Level 2 Certification is considered the practitioner level of training. You will learn how to give professional Reiki treatments both in-person and at a distance in this training.

The manual includes additional resources for starting your business, booking your first clients, and establishing your professional Reiki practice.

As a full time Reiki Master myself, I’ll also help you avoid common mistakes, pitfalls, and money-wasters that I wish I knew when I first started my business!

What if I want to focus on myself right now with Reiki?

That’s perfect! Reiki 2 gives you even more tools for your self practice. After the training, you’ll be able to do Reiki for yourself at a distance (for those times when putting your hands on your body doesn’t make sense), use it to heal emotional wounds from your past, or send Reiki to the future (I used to do this all the time when I worked in a high-stress environment). 

Every practice we cover in level 2 can be used for yourself, and if you ever decide you DO want to offer Reiki to others, you’ll have all the tools to do so!

How does the payment plan option work?

The first payment is due at the time of registration, payments are monthly and will automatically pull on the same day of the month. There are no refunds for incomplete payment plans. We reserve the right to hold certifications until the final payment has been processed.

How often do these trainings run?

Level 2 Training is offered twice each year. The final class of 2024 will begin in October, the next class will not be until May/June 2025.

What are the requirements for certification?

Level 2 Certification Requirements:
  • Successful completion, attunement, and certification of Reiki 1: The Science of Self-Healing
  • Level 2 Attunement from Molly— must be attended live
  • Completion of practicum which includes 2 distance healing sessions: one will be a self-Reiki distance practice, one will be done via paired partner session. You will be paired with another trainee to practice distance Reiki with each other in the supportive container of this training.

Can I join Reiki 2 if I did Reiki 1 with a different teacher?

As of Spring 2023, it is a requirement that students enrolling in this training complete level 1 with Molly first.

Reiki 2: Healing Beyond Space & Time is an extension of the conversation we begin in level 1. 

Every Reiki Master Teacher has their own approach and flair to teaching Reiki and we don’t want you to feel left behind coming into level 2 without the specific groundwork laid in Reiki 1: The Science of Self-Healing.

How is this training different than other Reiki 2's on the market?

Okay you know me well enough to know by now that I don’t compete with other Reiki Masters— if you feel more called to learn Reiki 2 from someone else, you should do that! But if you’re hemming and hawwing on the fence, here’s what I provide that other Reiki 2 trainings won’t:

An unmatched level of support: I’m obsessed with making sure you have every question answered and feel comfortable practicing Reiki on your own after training wraps. You have me in your back pocket for life to help with that.

Resources, resources, and resources galore: Most Reiki Masters will hand you a folder with some photocopied handouts and expect you to take notes on everything covered in class. I’m a big fan of giving you all the notes up front so you can be PRESENT in class. That means you get a 40+ page e-manual with step-by-step instructions for every practice we cover, audio meditations, video lessons, PDFs of every slide I show on the screen during class. You don’t have to memorize anything, you can refer back to these resources years down the road, and your hand won’t cramp up from note taking for hours.

It’s 6 weeks long… Most Reiki 2 classes are 1-2 days which are FINE, but imagine how much deeper your practice will be after committing to it for 6 weeks? 
  • It takes 21 days to form a new habit, 6 weeks gives us plenty of time to overcome any resistance blocking you from establishing your daily Reiki routine. 
  • Plus, not to spoil it but… in class you’ll learn about a study that showed Reiki profoundly reduces both depression and stress after 6 weekly sessions and the effects from those 6 sessions lingered for up to a YEAR! 
  • While a 1-2 day training is great for changing the course of your weekend, I’m more interested in helping you change the course of your LIFE!

Trauma-Informed Care is ESSENTIAL to Reiki: Based on what we know about the nervous system and how Reiki works, if a practitioner does not offer trauma informed care in a Reiki session, they might as well not offer Reiki at ALL. 

The majority of Reiki Masters who claim to be trauma-informed do so after reading a book about trauma and thinking that’s all they need. When over 70% of the general population has experienced at least one traumatic event in their lifetime, this is a slippery slope to offering Reiki sessions that may inadvertently retraumatize their clients.

This training is different— you’ll learn the principles of trauma-informed care from someone (ME!) who has 9 years experience working with trauma survivors. Since 2009, I have personally amassed nearly 1000 hours of training, numerous trauma informed certifications from accredited associations, and I’ve trained over 30,000 people in the topics of consent and trauma informed care. With me, you’re getting an extensive training and the best practices based in real-world experience. 

I am ruthlessly passionate about ensuring you walk away with the EXACT steps to make your Reiki sessions trauma-informed— which is something you won’t be able to get from a book (until I write one 😉)

Register now!

Fall 2024 Training Dates

Class Sessions can be joined live on Tuesdays 10am-12pm EST or via replay

🌟 Attunement Week is October 15-22 (Attunement must be attended live!)

🌟 Oct 8 - The Science of Distance Healing & Symbols

🌟 Oct 15 - Reiki Symbols for Intention, Healing, and Energy Amplification

🌟 Oct 22 - Distance Reiki for Self & Others

🌟 Oct 29 - Trauma Informed Care 

🌟 Nov 5 - Reiki for Situations, Manifestation, and Space Clearing

🌟 Nov 12 - The Business of Reiki & Reiki Treatments for Others

🌟 Nov 19 - Group Coaching Call

Practicum assignment is due by December 1 to qualify for certification.

Reiki 2: Healing Beyond Time & Space is offered online with registration only open 2x a year.

Get started right now for X monthly payments of $X or pay in full for $997!

Get started right now for
X monthly payments of $XX or pay in full for $997!

Get started right now for 4 monthly payments of $123.50 or pay in full for $494!

join reiki 2 now!