Practical Kitchen Witchery: Quick Spells & Tips


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Incorporating witchcraft into your daily routine doesn’t have to be time-consuming or complicated. For those of us who love the idea of kitchen witchery but struggle with time or energy, especially if you have ADHD, there are many simple, low-effort ways to make your kitchen a place of magic and intention. Here are some tips and ideas to get you started.

1. Coffee and Tea Spells

If you start your day with a cup of coffee or tea, you already have a perfect opportunity for a simple daily spell. Stirring in an intention as you make your morning brew can set the tone for the rest of the day.

  • Stirring Sigils: As you stir your coffee or tea, draw sigils or symbols with your spoon. This can be a circle for protection or a pentagram for balance.
  • Adding Flavors: Add flavors that correspond with your intentions. For example, cinnamon can be used for prosperity and abundance, while lavender can promote calmness and relaxation.
  • Homemade Syrups: Create your own syrups infused with specific intentions. For example, make a churro syrup and stir in thoughts of abundance and creativity. You can store these syrups and use them throughout the week.

2. Explore Your Spice Cabinet

Your spice drawer is a treasure trove of magical ingredients. Start by learning the magical intentions of the spices you use most frequently.

  • Label Your Spices: Create labels with the magical properties of each spice, or write them down in a notebook or on sticky notes. This can help you quickly choose the right spices for your magical needs.
  • Favorite Reference Book: Use a resource like Cunningham’s “Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs” to look up and highlight the properties of your favorite spices. Over time, you’ll build a deep knowledge of your spice cabinet’s magical potential.

3. Sigils on Ingredients

Enhance the magic of your cooking by drawing sigils on your ingredient containers.

  • Draw Sigils: Use a pen or nail polish to draw protection, abundance, or other sigils on your spice jars. Every time you use the spice, the sigil’s energy will be released into your food.
  • Color Magic: Combine sigils with color magic by using colored pens that correspond to your intentions. For instance, use green for prosperity, red for passion, or blue for calm.

4. Stirring Sigils into Your Food

One of the simplest ways to add magic to your meals is by stirring sigils into your food.

  • Soup and Coffee: Draw sigils into soups, coffee, or any liquid-based food. This can be a quick and non-permanent way to infuse your meal with magic. As you stir, visualize the energy of the sigil spreading throughout the food.
  • Restaurant Meals: Even meals prepared by someone else can be made magical by drawing sigils with your fork or spoon. This subtle act can infuse the food with your personal intentions and energy.

5. Placing Crystals Around Your Kitchen

Crystals can add both beauty and magic to your kitchen. Having a few pretty crystals on your kitchen counter can serve as both decor and a reminder of your magical practice.

  • Crystals in the Fridge: Keep crystals like rose quartz or clear quartz in your fridge or pantry. This not only looks beautiful but is believed to keep food fresh and infuse it with positive energy.
  • Crystals with Ingredients: Place crystals among your spices and ingredients to enhance their magical properties. You can experiment with different ones to see what effects you notice.

6. Spell Jars to Help Decide What to Eat

Creating a spell jar for meal decision-making can be a fun and effective way to bring magic into your daily routine. I sometimes get really overwhelmed when I’m making lunch so I usually skip it, so I made my own spell jar to help me be more decisive and I’ve had lunch every single day since I made it.

  • Create the Jar: Make a spell jar filled with herbs, spices, and a sigil that represents the intention you would like, in this case clarity or decision-making.
  • Use It Regularly: Keep the spell jar in your fridge or pantry and shake it when you’re unsure what to make, letting it guide your choice.
  • Enhance with Personal Touches: Add personal elements like a small crystal or a piece of paper with your intention written on it to make the spell jar more powerful and personalized.

7. Reiki Your Food

Reiki can be a simple yet profound way to infuse your meals with healing and positive energy.

  • Infuse with Reiki: Hold your hands over your meal or drinks and visualize it being filled with Reiki energy, taking a moment to infuse your food with healing and positivity.
  • Create a Ritual: Make Reiki a regular part of your mealtime routine, even if just for a few seconds, to help shift your nervous system from a stress response to a relaxation response.
  • Shift your nervous system: Reiki offers a solution by shifting our nervous system from survival to relaxation mode. Even a brief session of Reiki on your food can redirect energy towards digestion, improving its efficiency. Establishing this practice can train your brain to associate mealtime with relaxation rather than stress, potentially alleviating any digestive issues you may have. 

Final Thoughts

Kitchen witchery doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. By incorporating these simple, low-effort practices into your daily routine, you can create a magical atmosphere in your kitchen that supports your intentions and enhances your life. Whether you’re stirring sigils into your coffee, exploring the magical properties of your favorite foods, or using aromatherapy to set the mood, there are countless ways to bring a little more magic into your everyday cooking.

Find out more about my training, Reiki 1: The Science of Self-Healing.

September 26, 2024