Low Effort Full Moon Rituals for Cleansing & Recharging


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The full moon is one of the best times to create a low-effort ritual. Personally, the lunar cycle has such a heavy impact on me that I can’t muster the energy for anything high-maintenance. How do the different phases of the moon impact your energy levels? For me, the full moon messes up my sleep—I don’t sleep well, have vivid dreams, and tend to wake up anxious, almost like I’m hungover. I wake up thirsty, with a headache, and feel heavy and achy. This lack of sleep affects my focus and concentration, slowing my day.

Energetics of the Full Moon

Let’s start by discussing the energetics of the full moon. The new moon is typically a time for setting new intentions and starting fresh. On the other hand, the full moon is generally about cleansing and releasing old beliefs, patterns, and energies that no longer serve us. However, it’s essential to remember that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to moon rituals. If you feel more inclined to manifest during the full moon or have a different practice, trust your intuition. The key is to do what feels right for you.

Full Moon Rituals

1. Make Moon Water

You’ve probably heard of making moon water if you’re in any spiritual space online. It’s a simple yet powerful practice. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Fill a Container: Use a glass jar or bottle and fill it with water.
  • Charge Under the Moonlight: Place the container somewhere it can soak up the moonlight overnight.
  • Use the Moon Water: You can use this charged water in various ways. Water your plants with it, use it for cleansing your space, or add a few drops to your bath.

Personally, I fill my watering can with moon water to water my plants. I also have a spray bottle mixed with moon water and a bit of Florida water, which I use to cleanse my space.

2. Take a Cleansing Bath

Water is incredibly healing and grounding. Taking a bath during the full moon can help cleanse and rejuvenate your energy. Here’s a simple recipe for a full moon bath:

  • Salt: Add any kind of salt to your bathwater to help draw out any stagnant or negative energy.
  • Herbs and Essential Oils: You can create a sachet of herbs like lavender, rosemary, or chamomile and drop it in the bath. Essential oils like eucalyptus or lavender can also enhance the experience.
  • Candles and Crystals: Light a candle and place some crystals around the bath to create a soothing atmosphere and amplify your intentions. 

If you prefer showers, you can tie a sachet of herbs to the showerhead and let the steam do the work. 

3. Monthly Refresh Clean

Cleaning something in your house that needs a monthly refresh can make a significant difference. This practice not only helps maintain your home but also clears out stagnant energy. Here are some ideas:

  • Shower Curtain: Wash your shower curtain or liner.
  • Duvet Cover: Clean your duvet cover or bedspread.
  • Baseboards and Furniture: Wipe down baseboards or clean under the furniture.

Doing these tasks on the full moon ensures that they get done regularly. Plus, there’s nothing like climbing into bed with a fresh, clean duvet cover after a cleansing bath or shower.

4. Spiritual Cleansing

Physical cleaning often goes hand-in-hand with spiritual cleansing. Once you’ve cleaned your space physically, follow up with a spiritual cleanse using one of the following methods:

  • Smoke Cleansing: Use rosemary, cinnamon sticks, or incense to cleanse the energy of your space.
  • Sound Cleansing: Use a bell, singing bowl, or even clapping to break up and clear stagnant energy.
  • Spray: If you’ve made moon water, use it in a spray bottle to mist around your space.

Using Reiki to cleanse a space can also be a powerful way to reset the energy in your home. Reiki can be performed easily from the comfort of your couch. It’s an effortless way to refresh your living space. 

Find out more about my training, Reiki 1: The Science of Self-Healing.

5. Reiki Session

A complete Reiki session around the full moon can help release patterns and energies that no longer serve you. Here’s what you could include in your session:

  • Crystal Grid: Place a crystal layout on your body or space to enhance the healing energy.
  • Session with a Healer: Visit a Reiki practitioner for a deep, transformative session.
  • Self-Reiki: Practice self-Reiki, focusing on areas where you feel tension or blockage.

This ritual is especially beneficial if you’re aware of limiting beliefs or burnout. Focus on letting go of what no longer aligns with your highest self and making room for new growth and energy.

6. Dedicated Full Moon Candle

Lighting a candle specifically for the full moon is a simple yet powerful ritual. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Choose a Candle: Use a pre-made full moon candle or create your own by dressing a black seven-day candle with herbs, oils, and a sigil.
  • Set Your Intention: Light the candle with the intention of shedding what’s no longer needed in your life.
  • Let it Burn: Allow the candle to burn, knowing it’s working to cleanse your energy and space.

This ritual requires minimal effort—just light the candle and let it do its work.

7. Refresh Crystal Grids and Money Bowl

The full moon is an excellent time to refresh your crystal grids and money bowl. Here’s how:

  • Crystal Grids: Reconfigure your crystal grids with new intentions. Place crystals in formations that align with your goals, such as manifestation or peace.
  • Money Bowl: Cleanse and refresh your money bowl, adding new elements to attract abundance.

This ritual aligns with releasing old energy to welcome new prosperity.

8. Deep Cleansing Ritual

A deep cleansing ritual helps reset your energy, especially if you feel heavy or groggy around the full moon. Here’s a simple approach:

  • Place Crystals Under Your Bed: Use crystals like selenite, smoky quartz, and celestite to cleanse and ground your energy while you sleep.
  • Set a Limit: Use selenite for three nights to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

This ritual ensures you wake up feeling refreshed and balanced, ready to embrace the new lunar cycle.

9. Charge Your Tools and Crystals

The full moon’s energy can be harnessed to charge your spiritual tools and crystals. Here’s how:

  • Lay Out Your Tools: Place your crystals, tarot cards, or other spiritual tools in a safe spot under the moonlight OR on your window sill.
  • Set Intentions: As you lay out each item, set specific intentions for what you want them to help you within the coming month.

Charging your tools under the full moon can enhance their effectiveness and cleanse any stagnant energy they may have picked up.

Final Thoughts

These low-energy rituals can be easily incorporated into your routine, helping you harness the power of the full moon without expending too much effort. Whether you choose one or combine several, these practices offer a way to honor the lunar energy and support your personal growth and well-being.

September 26, 2024